Home Education Resources
Home Education Resources
- A Beka Publishing
- ACE (Accelerated Christian Education)
- Bob Jones University Press
- Everything You Need to Know series: The BIG FAT NOTEBOOK(tm) series is built on a simple and irresistible conceit–borrowing the notes from the smartest kid in class. There are five books in all, and each is the only book you need for each main subject taught in middle school: Math, Science, American History, English Language Arts, and World History.
- Konos in a Box
- New Life Publishing Group
- Sonlight
Art & Painting Lessons on DVD from “See the Light”
Artist Tree provides a home-based art education program that teaches homeschooled children (ages 7-12) fine art skills in a safe, relaxed and fun environment. The instructor, Holly Wiebe, teaches the program through her home in S.W. Calgary. Holly is a certified teacher (B.A, B. Ed) with over 10 years of professional experience. For more information contact Holly Wiebe at artisttreeinfo@gmail.com or (403) 688-2454.
Art Gallery of St. Albert (north side of Edmonton)
Home Education art classes
Edmonton area: https://www.paintcakes4kids.com/workshops.html
Ashley Gaboury Fine Art (Lessons)
- Aptitude and Skills-Based: the Canadian Achievement Test (CAT), version 3
- https://www.canadiantestcentre.com/Homeschoolers.php
- Order Form (PDF form): https://www.canadiantestcentre.com/pdfs/HomeEd.pdf
- Reading & Reading Comprehension (Red Deer Area)
- Sound Connection Centres (http://www.soundconnectionscentres.com)
- Interest and Skill assessment
- Strong Vocational Interest Bank
- Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory
- Campbell Interest and Skills Survey (CISS)
- Alberta Government: Career Planning & Assessmenthttp://careerinsite.alberta.ca/careerinsite.aspx
In Alberta
- Canadian Home Education Resources (CHER) (Calgary, shipping services to all over Alberta)
- Consignment book stores (See “Curriculum/Consignment” below)
- Education Station
- Education Station-Edmonton North
- Education Station-Edmonton South
Outside of Alberta
(see “Music”)
Classical Education
- Organizations
- Classical Conversations
- Canada: https://www.canada-cc.ca/ and for events, https://www.canada-cc.ca/events
- USA: https://www.classicalconversations.com
- Classical Conversations
- Learning Resources
- The Well-Educated Mind: A Guide to the Classical Education You Never Had
- The Well-Trained Mind: A Guide To Classical Education At Home
- The Lost Tools of Learning: Essay by Dorothy Sayers
- Charlotte Mason
- Charlotte Mason learning resources (http://amblesideonline.org)
- Classical Reading Lists
Search Service to find Post-Secondary Programs, Diplomas, and Certificates
Academic Info
University Credit by Examination Opportunities
CLEP Exam-Preparation: Modern States
CLEP Exams
SAT Exams
Canadian Lutheran Bible Institute, Camrose, Alberta
(through distance learning and mentor-guided instruction)
IT on Ramp (http://itonramp.com)
Youth Digital (http://www.youthdigital.com/courses.html)
Raspberry Pi (https://www.raspberrypi.org)
Programming: Popfizz (https://popfizz.io)
Programming: (ages 6 yrs to 10 yrs old) Eureka Champs https://eurekachamps.ca/
Bow Valley College – Software Development Diploma (Click HERE)
Consignment Stores That Sell Curriculum
- The Home Room
- Yahoo Group: Alberta HS For Sale
- Facebook Group: Central Alberta Used Homeschool Materials
- There’s also a homeschool lending library in Red Deer which takes donations of material. Lora Lamoureux runs it—she’s a member of the FB Used Curriculum page above and can be contacted through that page.
- Venture Academy
- PEP (Parents Empowering Parents): Providing education, innovative programming, support, and hope for individuals or families dealing with or concerned about substance abuse/addiction.
(see “Learning Disabilities”)
- Rudiments of Wisdom – This site features a Cartoon Encyclopedia great for younger students
- Fact Monster – Online Almanac, dictionary, encyclopedia, and homework help.
- English-Language Arts
- All About Learning (Spelling & Reading)
- Learning Language Arts Through Literature (LLATL)
- Logic of English (https://www.logicofenglish.com)
- Cathy Duffy’s Review of Home School Resources
- Vocabulary, Spelling, and Analogies (WordlyWise3000)
- Exellence in Writing
- Brave Writer
- Grammar
Fix It! Grammar https://iew.com/fix
Easy Grammar (https://www.easygrammar.com/store/c1/Featured_Products.html) - Daniel Schabauer — Cover Story, One Year Adventure in Writing
- Sigmund Brouwer, writing workshops and resources, many of which are custom-fit to a boy/young man’s learning styles and interests…http://www.rockandroll-literacy.com/schools.html
- Literature
- Great Books/Reading lists
- Spelling
- Writing
- Excellence In Writing
- Sigmund Brouwer, writing workshops and resources, many of which are custom-fit to a boy/young man’s learning styles and interests…http://www.rockandroll-literacy.com/schools.html
- Summit Writing Academy
- Write Shop
- Grammar
- EPS Publishers
- Easy Grammar Systems
- Fix It! Grammar(By Excellent Resources)
Professional Medic Training & Events
- French Language Resources for Academic Subjects
- The Canadian HomeSchooler: Click HERE
- Alliance francaise in Edmonton: http://af.ca/edmonton/
- Jump Math for French Language Learners (https://jumpmath.org/jump/en/francais)
- Government
- The Canadian Homeschooler
- Elections Canada: student resources
- Youth Conferences … “Encounters with Canada” (https://www.ewc-rdc.ca/pub/)
- History
- The Noah Plan
- Canadian History
AEF: Alberta Equine Federation
Green Certificate within Alberta Ed’s Program of Study
CHA: Certified Horsemanship Association
Clairety Horsemanship (Sherwood Park/Edmonton area)
Stillmeadows Ranch (Sherwood Park/Ardrossan area)
(see “Learning Disabilities”)
100 ideas for topics
(see “English-Language Arts”)
- Leadership
Educational Assessments (non-psychological)
Education Therapy
Lights On (therapy, diagnosis, etc.)
The Centre for Literacy—Assessment, diagnosis, and tutoring
How to Identify Dyslexia (https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/spot-dyslexia/)
Homeschooling With Dyslexia https://homeschoolingwithdyslexia.com/
New View Learning resolves the root causes of dyslexia and associated learning disabilities including reading, ADD, math, and handwriting. Clients learn through individualized one-on-one 5-day programs. The program provides clients with the tools needed to succeed in school. Click here to download info sheet.
Rocky Point Academy—Resource in Calgary, based on the Davis method, recommended by a couple of THEE families
Irlen Syndrome
Lilyane Bienert, B.R.E., B.Ed., Educational Therapist, Certified Irlen Screener
Judy Pool, MEd, Reading Specialist-Irlen Centre Director
Nola Stigings, Certified Irlen Diagnostician, Innisfail AB
Reading and Writing Consultants, Edmonton AB (Website:www.irlenedmonton.ca)
Irlen Website (irlen.com)
Rights of parents of special needs children
Receptive Language Delay
- Teachers Pay Teachers… Where Educators Buy, Sell, and Share Original Teaching Resources
- The Great Canadian Adventure (https://www.thegreatcanadianadventure.ca/canadianstudies)
- The Mystery of History (Full Curriculum, Christian Worldview)
- History Plus! (formerly, History Alive!) https://www.historyplus.ca/home
- Canadian History
- Northwoods Press (aka, Donna Ward’s site) https://donnaward.ca
- Youtube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6K9vE6z4mc)
- The Great Canadian Adventure (https://www.thegreatcanadianadventure.ca/canadianstudies)
- Canadian History Through Living Books
- The Great Canadian Adventure (https://www.thegreatcanadianadventure.ca/home-economics)
Home School Legal Defence Association (HSLDA)
Tara Gamble
Lessons: English, Western, and Jumping
Credentials: Past president of the Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA), instructor, and instructor trainer.
Location: Colchester, Alberta
Cost: Please contact Tara for the cost. Approximate cost will be $45.00, but the cost could be more or less depending on a few factors.
Contact Information: 780-945-7516, tara@tghorsemanship.com
The following locations or people offer screening services to detect Irlen Syndrome:
- Irlen Alberta, https://www.irlenalberta.ca/, (Alberta-North) 1-780-439-8120 (Alberta-South) 1-403-896-0044
- Lilyane Bienert, B.R.E., B.Ed., Professionally Certified Educational Therapist (NILD) and Certified Irlen Lens Diagnostician & Certified Irlen Screener, lilyanebienert@hotmail.com
The Home School Legal Defence Association of Canada (HSLDA Canada)
HSLDA’s mission is to enable, to empower, and to protect Canadian homeschooling families. Our name indicates our unique and primary role: we are our members’ defence and assurance in any legal matters that might impact their ability and right to homeschool. We are actively involved in provincial, federal, and international politics to ensure that Canadians’ constitutional freedoms to homeschool are not limited or jeopardized. However, what many people do not realize is that our members experience many other benefits as well. HSLDA is committed not only to defending your freedom to homeschool, but also to lightening your load as you homeschool. Our expert staff, our member site, our social media sites, and our regular emails are full of insight, resources, and answers to help our members in their homeschool journey. Take some time to look around our website and to discover all the services we offer! From preschool to high school graduation to entering the postsecondary realm, HSLDA has the knowledge and help that you need to homeschool well. You do not need to wait for a crisis: you can contact our office anytime with questions you may have. Why not become a member today? HSLDA: the partner in your homeschooling success!
To join HSLDA, visit our Web site at www.hslda.ca
You may also contact our office by phone at 519.913.0318 or by email at info@hslda.ca
In Sherwood Park: Valley Tae Kwon Do
Traditional Home Education Resources
- Dive into Math (supplement to Saxon math textbooks)
- Khan Academy (free web-based video tutorials)
- Mathletics
- Saxon
- Saxon math video tutorials on DVD
- Math-U-See
- Singapore Math
- Teaching Textbooks
- Business Math: Your Business Math Series for Gr 3 to 6
- Living Math
- Web-based learning activities: Teaching Math With Money
- Life of Fred Math
- CTCMath (online and video-based/multi-media instruction)
- SuccessMaker (complementary/supplemental); contact Tom Emerson at temerson@successmakercanada.com or at 1-250-832-5775. SuccessMaker is the online application that the ADLC used to provide to students at no cost. For more information about SuccessMaker, please download this document.
- For Pre-Algebra and Algebra 1 : Everything You Need to Ace Pre-Algebra and Algebra I in One Big Fat Notebook Paperback
(you can buy it from Amazon.ca and from other vendors) - Multiplication Facts That Stick
Author: Clifton D. Corbin
Joyfulnotes, Teaching Kids About God Through Music,
Melodic Moments, https://www.melodicmoments.com
My Homegrown Symphony, www.myhomegrownsymphony.com
-Music Appreciation lessons
-Survey Study of 12 Individual Composers (e.g. Bach, Mozart, Strauss, Vivaldi, Joplin, etc.)
Tutors (see “Tutoring”)
- The Great Canadian Adventure (https://www.thegreatcanadianadventure.ca/mythology)
- Peas in a Pod Alternative Learning Community (Edmonton) https://www.peasinapodalc.com/
- Publishers
- A Beka
- ACE (Accelerated Christian Education)
- Alpha Omega
- Apologia
- Bob Jones
- Christian Liberty (home ed program)
- Christian Light
- Dive into Math (video supplement to Saxon math)
- ED2000 (Richard Beale)
- On the Mark Press (specializing in Canadian history and culture)
- Rod and Staff
- Saxon
- Sonlight (literature-based homeschool courses for students in K-12th grades)
- Waterford Curriculum (complete and personalized reading, math, and science for preschool through second grade)
Reading Skills
- Phonics
- Starfall – Free reading and phonics games
- Action Phonics
- RAZ Kids (Reading Comprehension… https://www.raz-kids.com)
- SuccessMaker (complementary/supplemental); contact Tom Emerson at temerson@successmakercanada.com or at 1-250-832-5775. SuccessMaker is the online application that the ADLC used to provide to students at no cost. For more information about SuccessMaker, please download this document.
- “Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy lessons”, resource sold by various vendors
- All About Reading
- Reviews and Critiques
- Strathcona County Robotics Association
- Science-Biology
- Science-Chemistry
- Science-General
- Creation Science
- Answers in Genesis
- SuperchargedScience.com
- SciToys.com
- Real Science 4 Kids
- Science-Physics
-Alberta-wide (http://skateabnwtnun.ca/skatingprograms/canskate/)
-Local Clubs
…..Sherwood Park
Edmonton area
The Edmonton Ski Club is a community ski hill located in the heart of Edmonton. The Edmonton Ski Club supports families and invites the home school community to take advantage of their services. By offering lessons for all ages, affordable prices, and flexible programming, they are able to meet the specific needs of each home school family, group, or individual.For more information on programs and bookings contact Michele George at esc.michele@gmail.com or visit EdmontonSkiClub.com.
(see “Learning Disabilities”)
Speech Therapists
*THEE does not recommend nor endorse any of the therapists listed below. We are providing this information as a service to you so that you can have a starting point in your search for a speech therapist.
Website: www.truenorthspeech.com/ab/
Service: Online/Internet-based therapy
- Football teams (open to all students, not school-based) in Leduc and its surrounding areas (https://www.catsfootball.ca/)
- Canada-Based
- Canadian Achievement Test (CAT), Version 3 (Version 3 is available for parent-administered tests/homeschoolers)
- Canadian Test of Cognitive Skills (CTCS)
- USA-Based: the Stanford-10 from Homeschool Testing Service
- Online: CTP Online Testing
- Print: Stanford-10, For children in grades K-3
“Free To Be” Unschooling conference
- Delight-Driven Unit Studies
- https://es.pinterest.com/chareen/homeschool-delight-directed/
- http://todaysfrugalmom.com/5-reasons-you-should-should-not-choose-delight-directed-learning/
- https://www.amazon.ca/Delight-Directed-Learning-Homeschooler-HomeScholars-ebook/dp/B00BOB0ZRW
- http://www.greatpeaceacademy.com/unit-studies/
- http://www.besthomeschooling.org/articles/kandi_chong.html
Summit Writing Academy (www.summitwriting.net)
THEE-Specific Resources
- Microsoft Office 365
- Google Suite (Education)
- Step 1: Know your school-given email address and change the temporary password if applicable. Download the instructions.
- Step 2: Log into Office365. Download the instructions.
- Step 3: Log into Google Suite (Education). Download the instructions.
PrimeTime Learning: 780-448-0631
Apex Diploma Prep: 780-940-0094
Lights On Learning (tutoring): 780-464-4556
Diploma Exams – Practice Exams https://questaplus.alberta.ca/app/practice-test-access
Diploma Exams – Schedule(s) & Resources http://www.alberta.ca/writing-diploma-exams
If you want to follow the POS of Alberta Education for your home education learning plan, you will find many suggestions regarding learning resources from our webpage for “Aligned Learning Resources“.

Alberta Education has created myPass to be a secure self-service website that students can use to access their own personal information about their education. Students will use myPass throughout their high school years and beyond.
What will a student be able to do with his/her own myPass account?
- Order transcripts.
- View and print diploma exam result statements.
- View progress towards a credential (diploma or certificate).
- View student personal information.
- View and print detailed academic reports (DAR).
- Order additional copies of a credential.
- Register for a diploma exam.
Create a myPass account:
- Go to myPass.alberta.ca.
- Set up an Education Account or sign in with social login.
- Enter your Alberta Student Number and date of birth.
- You will be sent two things – an email with a URL and a physical letter with a 4 digit PIN.
- Once you receive both the email and the letter, go to the URL contained in the email and input the 4 digit PIN.
To learn more about myPass, please visit https://education.alberta.ca/resources/mypass/